home / EXHIBITIONS / 2006 / Glimpses of Hong Kong & China


Glimpses of Hong Kong & China
David Paskett, RWS

7 - 18 November, 2006

The Artist will attend the Opening Reception and Cocktail on Tuesday 7th November 2006 from 6pm to 9pm The Exhibition will continue from Wednesday 8th to Saturday 18th November Gallery opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 6pm More about David Paskett can be found online at www.davidpaskett.co.uk
This exhibition features more than 30 of David Paskett’s meticulously detailed and atmospheric paintings. Paskett is one of Britain’s leading watercolourists and a member of the Royal Watercolour Society in London. He has been visiting and painting in China and Hong Kong for more than 20 years.
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