home / EXHIBITIONS / 2012 / The Hong Kong and China Show / Report on the Investigations of the Outbreak of Epidemic Meningitis in Hongkong by First Lieutenant Peter K. Olitsky, M.R.C., U.S.A., of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York

Report on the Investigations of the Outbreak of Epidemic Meningitis in Hongkong by First Lieutenant Peter K. Olitsky, M.R.C., U.S.A., of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York

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Report on the Investigations of the Outbreak of Epidemic Meningitis in Hongkong by First Lieutenant Peter K. Olitsky, M.R.C., U.S.A., of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York (1918)

Peter K. Olitsky

In original paper covers, tied by thread